lizzymae17's avatar
PTOOIE! *Spits at Scarlet*

Don't worry I love the quality of the artwork. IT'S SO GOOD BUT AAAAHHHHH I HATE SCARLET WITH A PASSION
blindstitic's avatar
i hate you wi th a p assion *lARGE SAD SNIFF*
lizzymae17's avatar
*Tries to comfort in a panicking manner* Sorrysorrysorry! Icouldn'thelpit, myopinionjustcameoutofmymouth, I'msorryIwassoblunt, Ididn'tmeanANYTHINGagainstyou...Noel PanickingAkihito Kanbara (Panic) [V1] Ittoki panics Hiyori Crying Icon 
blindstitic's avatar
lizzymae17's avatar
*Takes a long sigh* Well, at least we're on the same page with the "everyone's entitled to their own opinions" principle.
