I love it j4m3sb0nd! You have done great work. Like one of the other commentors said, this picture resembles Hameed's style and it reminds me of one of his pictures: Beyond Horizons.
cosmicbound's avatar
Thanks - nice to know I was able to create a piece in the vein of Hameed.
I appreciate the response and I'll have you as a secret space agent. Besides isn't your name j4m3sb0nd? 007.
cosmicbound's avatar
Then as such you shall accept this mission:
DeviantART has chosen you and a few other artists to help fill the void of space art. Along with you are artists: Hameed, Burning-Liquid, Plasmax7, HolySpaceMonkey, bloknayrb, BPauba, absolutehalo, ageai,dilekt,DKF, and the inner-space spacescape group. If not the whole space community risks collapse. Only you and the DeviantARTists can save it from destruction. Will you accept this mission?
cosmicbound's avatar
You already know, we all accept. ;d
Very well, Good luck.