The-Roland-Deschain's avatar
Ah, then I think that's a case of me needing more anatomy practice, so that I can know how to shade things better^^

And you know what's a bitch about viruses?  They never leave your body, even after you're feeling better.  Take the herpes virus, for example.  its such a pain cause it keeps coming back, because the virus will go dormant for awhile, and won't be killed off by your immune system, and then BAM!  when you least  expect it, its back haunting your genitalia and ruining your sexy times.

Long story short, even if you did manage to flee to Fiji and detoxed yourself, you'd still have dormant Wolfe cells flowing through out your body, waiting for the perfect moment to strike....Judge Armand 
bloodyaarice's avatar
.... so.... you just compared yourself to herpes?
The-Roland-Deschain's avatar
...Obama 5 


...So you are infected with metaphysical herpesFrollo grin 
bloodyaarice's avatar
HAHA! that's where you're mistaken! i wore protection. so really, you're the only one who's going to die from your digital std's. (is herpes deadly? i know surprisingly little about the subject. wasn't paying attention in health class i just assume you die from all of them) 
The-Roland-Deschain's avatar
Yes, you totes die within seconds of contracting herpes=p
See, that's where not paying attention to health class gets you...Because even if you wear a condom, you still can contract herpes.
(when did we have digital sex again...?)
And herpes is not deadly, though it can be devastating to a new born child if it spreads from mum to babe.  
So yea, you're still stuck with my digital stds...  Smiling Frollo