eegariM's avatar
You mean clear in terms of clouds? Might be, I don't know of course. There were some clouds on the horizon but very few. Most clouds were directly above us or to the east.

Ok, that's what I thought. You improvement with photoshop is immense compared to mine and even I have had experiences like that. The only problem with that is that you memories of how it looked in reality will vanish over time so you have to improvise a natural look more if you post-process a picture months or even years after you have taken it. It works if you gathered enough experience but it's not exactly optimal in my eyes.

Regarding your saving issue, I think I have read a video title regarding that on youtube-suggestion a few weeks ago. Actually, a quick search and I got it:… Apparently you can save the files as PSB instead of PSD in photoshop to circumvent the 2GB file size limitation. I hope that fixes things for you.

Also 135 mb jpegs, lol. The 68 mb already gave me a headache when I wanted to get it printed because the shop's software only allowed files up to 50 mb for transmittal. They had to copy it on CD and send it per post to the laboratory, lol.
EtherealSceneries's avatar
Sorry - I've had family staying over, so my time here has been limited. ;)

Right - I am not referring to the clouds over your head but the lack of them to your west. If too many clouds shroud the sun to your west, none of the light will get through to color up the clouds over your head. Clouds overhead and to your east will make some fantastic sunsets, and depending on how far the clear skies to the west reach, correlates to the length of color in a sunset. The opposite would be true for sunrise. Speaking of sunrise, lol- my sister-in-law and I went for a 3 mile sunrise hike at 4am in the morning. I forgot my tripod. I enjoyed watching with my eyes, and the camera stayed in the backpack. :\

The .PSB file type is a lifesaver - thank you! I did not know of this, but it is extremely helpful! :D Sometimes I am purposely ignorant to things as a way to surprise myself later on when I decide to unlock answers I purposely ignored for so creates small moments of joy. lol.

I too have had some issues having my images printed as well because of the limit on file size, but I do a lot of business with them, so they were eventually able to accommodate me.
eegariM's avatar
Ah ok, that makes a lot of sense. That's probably the reason it almost never happens in germany. There will always be some clouds somewhere.^^

Your sister in law was the one we met when we came back from Knob Peak? Or was that someone else (I can't remember...)? Sounds like something that could happen to me, too. Although I would probably just place my camera on my shoes and some clothes and salvage a shot. :D It limits your compositions but it's what I have been doing since I started doing photography and until now a tripod has always been a nice-to-have instead of a must-have for me. I'm sure though it wouldn't meet your quality standards, too bad. : /

Sure, I'm really glad it helped you. :) The problem with .PSB, like with .PSD, is that it doesn't safe layer progression if you merge them or use NiK collection. That hasn't been a problem for me because I never merge layers. Some people do that though, for whatever reason...

I can imagine that having a personal relationship with print shops certainly helps.
EtherealSceneries's avatar
No, this is the older sister-in-law. She is a Cardiac Surgeon from Washingington DC. You met the younger of the two.

Any tripod would work for me as long as it had enough weight to help stabilize it and compose a picture. I generally am using slow shutter speeds at the lowest iso, so handheld is not an option for landscapes, unless it's mid day. I could have set my camera on a stump or rock or whatever I could find, but the filter system on it is way to big vertically and even if I got it to stand on something, the chances that it's pointing in the right direction on all axis would be very slim.

So far the PSB file type is working great. I use a crapload of layers and I merge/flatten a lot too, and so far so good!
eegariM's avatar
Oh ok.

Yeah I forgot about the filters you are using (again). I have to agree that it would be very impractical and annoying at best without a tripod.

I'm really glad to hear that the PSB file solution is working out for you! :)