Riku-Aelitonnes's avatar
I saw this and "awwww!" just couldn't be held behind my lips. ^^
I like the story idea too, it reminds me a bit of Alice in Wonderland, though I haven't actually read the book version of that.
JeyBarnes's avatar
Yes! There's a definite Alice-y theme to the (non-)story. In fact some of the plot stuff I'm considering is very very Alice-y indeed. I read the book once a long while ago, and I recommend it! Also The Hobbit, which you've probably read, but I happen to be re-reading it now and I'd forgotten all about Tolkien's sense of humor. Aww Tolkien. :heart:

Riku-Aelitonnes's avatar
By chance, I have in fact not read The Hobbit. I haven't even watched the movies, despite the fact that I'm fairly sure we own them all.