Rob-Cavanna's avatar
Resent to new e-mail address. No problem about giving credit when posting colored art. And I'm sure you've got me covered too.

I know just what you mean about the texture issue. I think this is especially problematic when you use a geometric pixel camo, which gives away an overly flat texture immediately, and I might avoid those exactly for that reason. I have a few tips:

-A good shadow layer and highlight layer will help create the illusion of your texture 'wrapping' around the surface. Even if it's just laid in flat.
-You can always try masking parallel plane areas, and then skewing the perspective of your texture to match that angle.
-My homemade angular camo recipe is made using filters like crystallize and pointilize. Experimentation recommended.

All of the above is exactly how I do stuff like this: [link]

ltla9000311's avatar
WOW! I look at that pic and realize I have a long way to go in my art progression in photoshop! Very nice indeed! I feel like my stuff is like my 4 year old with a box of crayons compared to your work! Don't get me wrong, I'm still gonna have a go at it. Time to get to work......
Rob-Cavanna's avatar
Yikes, hope I didn't intimidate you! If you could see my first photoshop works... they're pretty damn lousy!

Just trying to illustrate the above techniques in practice. Having fun is important too. No expectations or pressure whatsoever.
ltla9000311's avatar
Nah....I know that wasn't your intention whatsoever. Just ME looking at the overall quality of your work and mine. I should have a little something ready by thursday or friday though....
Rob-Cavanna's avatar
No rush, dude.
(I once took over six months for a coloring collab!)