chaoswolf1982's avatar
Then again, most insects are terrifying enough naturally, without adding vampyric features...
scythemantis's avatar
Not to me, I don't see how anyone can find any insect in the world even slightly ugly or creepy looking, they're ornate and perfect like flowers. I'm only able to make them vaguely creepy to me as monsters by adding a few human-like features, but then I still think they're cute :)
chaoswolf1982's avatar
Oh, don't get me wrong... anatomically and mechanically they're marvels of deisgn and function - it's just in the common viewpoint, when you drop the clinical detachment of the scientific mind, insects and arachnids and such can be quite intimidating for their size, what with their various poisons and blood-feeding and chemical defenses and other nasty-to-think-about tricks.