Avelithe's avatar
OMG! I died twenty-two and a half times when I saw this picture. AMAZING. Ahaha, you ain't kiddin' about Disney being so damn commercialized. I've lost my respect to them a long, long time ago. It's all about money. Damn sequals. There should never have been a Cinderella II. For goodness' sake, at the end of Cinderella, it said "Happily Ever After". HAPPILY EVER AFTER. The end!

Probably the only few well done movies are the older movies, like Beauty and the Beast and whatnot. Pirates of the Caribbean and the sequals have been amazing from Disney as well. Other than that, oh good gracious.
SilverDrgnbane's avatar
lol. I'll hazard a guess that you're a Mickey fan. :D

I hate the unnecessary sequels too. The worst one is Bambi 2. Of all the ridiculous ideas... Why are they so intent on screwing with the classics?
At least they haven't touched Snow White or Sleeping Beauty...yet.

They have done well with Pirates, true, but Disney started with animation. When are they going to make a good 2D film again?

I'm sorry for all those kids who are growing up with this Disney. I would probably be a very different person if I grew up with HSM, Hannah Montana, and the rest of those disturbing Disney channel programs.
Avelithe's avatar
I do like Mickey Mouse. :D I have a picture where my Mom wore a Mickey Mouse top in Disneyland California. I was a wee lass then, and when I stood in front of her it looked like I was wearing Mickey Mouse ears. People thought I was, but it was just the sweater. Hehe :heart:

Hot damn. I agree 100 percent with you. And I'd hate to burst your bubble, but I think they have made a Sleeping Beauty 2. I could be wrong, but I'll check later on. If so, it came directly to DVD, not theatres.

Understandable. Disney was originally an animation studio. But even years and years ago, they made Marry Poppins which is an old classic and many others.

There was news years back about Disney using only 3D computer programing in order to animate instead of 2D animation. If anything, Pixar is THE best, and THE original 3D animation studio. Disney should not be a 3D animation studio, the lazy bastards. From what I have heard, on the news at least, Brother Bear was one of the last original 2D animated movies that Disney produced. And of course they made a Brother Bear 2 which is as annoying as hell. And you know, I thought that the sequals from the old movies were way better back in the 80's-early 90's. But the new ones are absolutely horrible, in my opinion.

Blegh, I feel sorry for this new generation, too. Sigh. And I'm sorry if my opinion sounds so subjective. Haha
SilverDrgnbane's avatar
Aww, I bet it's a cute photo. I don't know if I have any pictures of me with Mickey as a little kid. I think I was scared of him! Ironic since I now work in the fursuits. ^^;

*spontaneously combusts* Seriously? Ugh... They probably won't stop until everything is a trilogy at least... They already nailed Cinderella.

Ah, Mary Poppins... Classic. Have you seen Enchanted? I kinda want to yet don't at the same time.

They're going to stop using 2D for original work? I think part of me just curled up and died.
As for the 3D business, you are absolutely right. Pixar is the god of 3D and should stay that way. My dream job is with them. I'd love to be an Imagineer, but Pixar seems more in control of itself at the moment.