Comment on Tomb of War II by Aikurisu

wraith11's avatar
That's awesome. Really cool lighting right through. A more sketchy style than what you usually use?

I think the little orange points of light are what really set this off. If it had been just the plain blue it could have looked quite dull (from a lighting point of view... not a detail one of course :P )

Aikurisu's avatar
A sketchier style? Nah... but I guess I didn't bother with the main ship's intactness as much. =P That's one reason why drawing damaged stuff is so appealing to me. I don't have to adhere to as many rules with it... or rather rules that require me to be exact.

Agreed on the orange points of light too. (Yay for explosions! XD) I was tempted to go for something without any battle involved, to paint a grimmer 'dead' feel about this work, but you're right. Something would have been missing without it.