Aethergoggles's avatar
There's plenty of tutorials out there, and are fairly easy to follow, as long as you have a knack for knowing how to put things back together after taking them apart should be plain sailing.
CryptidKitty's avatar
lol i think i just want to paint it! i am pretty good about taking things apart and putting them back together tho :D
Aethergoggles's avatar
Heh well the paint shouldn't hinder it, Though definitely clear coat it after, I used it as a prop in a couple of meetups and cons before I had actually finished it and therefore before I had coated it, and now it has worn a little, I am planning on fixing up the paint job at some time and adding some finishing touches before taking a final photograph.
CryptidKitty's avatar
Thanks for all the info! it really helps! :D