scheinbar's avatar
are we part of the world or is the world part of us...? a question with only wrong answers...:)
winklepickers's avatar
I gave you the wrong names for the books.

The first was "The Error of Descartes" which demonstrates that we cannot reason without feelings.
The second was "Spinosa was Right".

I mixed them up. :)
winklepickers's avatar
I think both questions can be answered by... yes.

We come from the world, and we can only develope from information we receive from the world, so we are the world.
The question is the two aspects of the same thing.

Do you know the American neuro-biologist called Antonio Damasio ?

He has written several interesting books, about the conclusions he has come to concerning us, in his work on the brain.
He says that we can only think because of the information we receive from our senses, from the outside world. If we have brain damage in a certain part of the brain that receives sensations from the outside, we can only think with our memories. We cannot develope any more thoughts. He gives real examples.
An interesting explanation of this is in his book, "Descartes was right."
He followed it up with another about Spinoza, whom he admires. I have forgotten the title.
They are probably translated into German. I read them in French.

So my husband said to tell you this...
"All that does not appear in space and time, is for us an impossible object." Emmanuel Kant. :D

That is my translation from French.
scheinbar's avatar
Thanks for your tips...:)
winklepickers's avatar