Darkmuraden's avatar
It tasted like chocolate milk with rust in it.... it made the plastic spork more rusty with a hint of coco
HazardWarningComics's avatar
tis a shame. chocolate milk is just so delicious, adding rust just makes sad faces in ma milk
Darkmuraden's avatar
I know but the dancing chocobo made it all better and we ran into the sunset.... which by the way dont do, it hurts
HazardWarningComics's avatar
id imagine . . . thats why i always go for the moon. i want to make the man in the moon my friend, for not many i have. plus he might bring in some more minions to follow me . . .
Darkmuraden's avatar
Yes and my Army of UFO's(Unidentified Fantastic Object's) will help us! all shall remember my Flag "THE RUSTY SPORK !!!!!!!!!!"
HazardWarningComics's avatar
all hail the spork!!