PaperTears's avatar
You know what? How Bryke says 'C'mon kids! Zutara would've never lasted!' or something like that, I know this point was already proven, but could you believe those idiotic jokers wrote something that bashed Bryke's show?

I mean, c'mon. As i've said before, BRYKE IS SMART!

Why would Bryke ever bash a shipping? Especially on how THEY THEMSELVES CREATED ZUTARA TO BE WHAT IT IS!

Dave Bergantino is practically saying:

"Hey, ya'll! Bryke hates their own show!"

I can't even believe those people let Dave Bergantino put out false books! This is insane!

And again, Zutara would've probably never been a shipping possibility if it hadn't been for Bryke themselves. So why would they bash themselves over something they created? Unless.. it was just to give us all something to speculate on.

But.. I kinda' doubt that. <3