Madailein's avatar
Stargate Atlantis. :-) She does a great job in whatever she plays, but her character there made me become a truly big fan of her as an actress.
KuraViolet's avatar
i've never watched any of the Stargate tv series but i've always loved the movie.... i suppose i'd probably like them given i DO like the sci-fi/action genre. :)
Madailein's avatar
Warning: Geek Post Ahead. Proceed at your own risk.

I'm a Stargate geek, but realize that in order to really like and appreciate it, you need to watch the series from the beginning and buy into the laws of the Stargate universe. Otherwise, it's a far dorkier show than either Star Trek or Star Wars. In Stargate SG-1, they start making fun of themselves around season 6, which is hilarious. Stargate Atlantis is a spin-off of SG-1.

Jewel Staite doesn't come in until season 4 . . . so it might not be worthwhile to watch a whole series just for one character. :-D Unless you like all the actors from Firefly, in which case you might enjoy seeing Adam Baldwin and Morena Baccarin in Stargate SG-1.
KuraViolet's avatar
i love all the firefly actors! :hug: so after chatting with you here i did a little checking out of the stargate series and realized how MUCH there is! :eyepopping: so many episodes! WOW. i guess if i ever get the urge to watch, i will be working at them for a long while! i'd probably get around to watching the show even if the Firefly crew weren't in it.
And dorkiness doesnt bother me much. :) i love star trek, star wars, & Firefly (obviously)....sometimes i thought firefly was kinda dorky too, cuz you cant deny that Joss Whedon is DORK. :lmao:
Madailein's avatar
There is a lot of Stargate. <3