Abt-Nihil's avatar
I missed out on Battle Athletes, but I guess Gunbuster is full of references which are obscure to Westerners but commonplace to otakus :D

Thanks a lot for the fav! :bow:
marcoasalazarm's avatar
In reality, Gunbuster came (a long time) first. But both have that 'best-of-the-best-athletes-going-against-each-other-for-the-Prize' thing going on. Both have some fanserivce. Both have comedy. It's when the real-deal dramatics start kicking in (the war, the Gunbuster proper, the relativistic speeds and whatnot, in Gunbuster's case) that things take a split.
Abt-Nihil's avatar
I see. Taking account of relativism may be the one original thing about Gunbuster :D