Jdailey1991's avatar
A creepy mix between the original and Disney Horned King.
Caelkriss's avatar
What was "the original?"  I based this concept off of the description in the books.  :)
Jdailey1991's avatar
The book was the original.
Caelkriss's avatar
Ah, okay.  I have only seen the Disney movie once, and didn't like it at all.  They made the Horned King's actual face the skull.  Working mandible and all.  He's supposed to be human with a mask.
Jdailey1991's avatar
I didn't like how he was portrayed in the book--simply a big mute with a deer skull for a mask, a red cape and naked arms.  That's not scary, that's just plain macho!

What you've done here was truly terrifying.
Caelkriss's avatar
Mute can be scary.  See Michael Myers from Halloween...

And it wasn't a deer skull.  It was a human skull in the books.