ChimeraDragonfang's avatar
Not as long as some of my others.
l1vethedream's avatar
How did you get into this form of art? Seems extremely sepcialist to me!
ChimeraDragonfang's avatar
Here's the lovely story behind my descent into flaky madness: I was always having fun with paper and sharp objects when I was a small child and managed to make pretty elaborate snowflakes using construction paper and safety scissors in elementary school. I stopped doing that for many years, and only cut out a few stupid ones to use for decorations for my high school band's winter concerts. Then in college before the holidays one of my roomies decided to cut out some snowflakes to decorate the apartment, and since I only had practical exams left with no need to study, I joined in the fun and made the TrebleFlake [link] since both ours and the apartment across the hall from us was music geeks. And it just sort of went on from there.
l1vethedream's avatar
Wow thats pretty cool! And the rest is now history! The trebleflake looks immensley complicated but very pleasing to the eye!