PaperBuff's avatar
Awww, thanks, Skelekitty, that means a lot coming from you.

I'll be glad to give you my building notes for this one. I'm planing on making a diagram for the hair to keep in my Peach folder just in case I decide to make it again anytime in the future. (Why, I do not know, for all the grief that it caused me. :lol: It was easy once I made my changes though.)

I'll PM it to you on the forum. I'll probably make it this weekend.

Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of papercrafting? :angered: :lol:
Skele-kitty's avatar
LOL! All the time.

You should try papercrafting with two small children running circles around you - I can assure you that not a lot gets built very often!
PaperBuff's avatar
Oh, I know how that is. I do that all the time with my three boys. :lol:

I'm getting really creative though. I wanted to make Pixel-Kakashi's Mario Hat so I asked them if they wanted a Mario hat and of course they said yes. So when they try to bother me, I go, "Well, you guys want this hat, don't you?" Little do they know... :giggle:
Skele-kitty's avatar
Awesome, another mom! :XD:

You have no idea how happy you've just made me - now, I don't feel quite so weird hanging out at NP - knowing that I'm not the only non-15y/o boy, LOL! :giggle:
PaperBuff's avatar
Oh, I know exactly what you mean.:D Great kids in there though. I'm proud of them