heminder's avatar
BSD is in decline [link]
delusionalHamster's avatar
Wait, are you that guy?

I saw that guy elsewhere on Phoronix going on about some alleged conspiracy where FreeBSD wants to increase the profits of Apple, and that's why they choose the Clang compiler or something...
heminder's avatar
Nope, I'm not on the Phoronix forum. I do go there occasionally for tech news though. I saw a link to that thread on the main page.
delusionalHamster's avatar
Well for what it's worth, that guy appears to be a complete troll. I'm no BSD-fan or even a BSD-user, but I still think what that guy is saying is at least 90% Complete Bullshit(tm). Some people have already called him out on those forums, and of course he can't substantiate any of his claims... classic troll behaviour.

I think someone should fork the entire BSD codebase and put it under GPL. That way, people working on it could be sure their work couldn't be usurped and closed down, and BSD could finally become a viable alternative OS, outside of niche applications.
heminder's avatar
Yeah. The thread does have a few good points. If it wasn't for the BSD license Macintosh would be completely different or even wouldn't exist. Copyleft licenses work best. The license is really short too. I read it and it was only a few sentences :P
delusionalHamster's avatar
I think it would still exist... after all BSD is only a part of Mac OS, and it only uses parts of BSD, they don't even use the same kernel IIRC.

But yeah, the BSD license sucks. It's pretty much the same as putting your work in public domain.
heminder's avatar
Macintosh's kernel was made as a hybrid of the 4.3 BSD kernel and the Mach kernel, then later had upgrades ported to it from FreeBSD. [link] So yes, it would probably still exist, but nothing like what it is today.

Funnily Apple Inc also had little to do with the development of the Mach kernel :P
delusionalHamster's avatar
Well that's Apple for you. Their definition of "innovation" is "using other people's work, taking credit for it, then suing people left and right and claiming they are 'copying' you"...

If the BSD hadn't existed, they'd probably just have bought Minix or Solaris or something.