EmeyeX's avatar
He actually specifically targets europeans as well. "I hate europeans because they pretty much own all of africa right now." I don't know what to say to this because it's not something I research. Whether or not this is true is beyond my knowledge. I know he does have a tendency to sit at home and read about stuff he is interested in. Conspiracy theories, psychology and NLP...stuff like that.
EldingaGunman's avatar
... Finland owns all of Africa? xD Iceland have interest in non-local politics? Greece is actually a secret economic superpower, buying mile after mile of empty desert so that they won't have to put that money into something as useless as, I don't know, reversion of corrupted politics, healthcare, and making sure their people get to eat? How interesting. That's certainly news to me...

Well I'm european and I'm pretty sure I don't own anything in Africa at all. That sounds stupid.