ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Hold that thought. What is the meaning of god?

So if you contend that god has so many different meaning as shown in pantheists and other alternative forms other than man-in-the-sky model, then agnosticism would be also illogical.

So if you contend that there is only this definition or that definition, then ignosticism is irrelevant and agnosticism is logical.
carusmm's avatar
I think that it is logical to assume that God does not exist, although his existence is still a question.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
If by your assumption that god is man in the sky, then yes it's arguable.

If the assumption that god=universe, good luck arguing against that.
carusmm's avatar
If God is the Universe, he doesn't make sense.
carusmm's avatar
Nothing makes much sense, except man's love of chocolate cake.
carusmm's avatar
Nothing makes sense about the Universe, except man.