OrangeKrissy's avatar
funny how people can believe in ghosts but not God.
alzebetha's avatar
Ghosts are of course stupid to believe in, but they're the swimming pool to the ocean of stupidity that is necessary for a deity of any sorts.
OrangeKrissy's avatar
I can't believe people think that a complex organism like a human evolved from a one celled animal. Now THAT is stupidity.
alzebetha's avatar
Stupidity is thinking one celled organisms count as animals.

But hey, you're one of those creationists, so I shouldn't blame you for sloppy formulations. do you know the

'endo symbiotic theory'
No? thought so. awww.
Do you know the date of the french revolution?
Again No? dang it.
Do you know Justin Biebers latest tweet?

Now shoo shoo, adult smart people talking.
OrangeKrissy's avatar
In case you missed it, one celled organisms is what we supposedly evolved from. You must have heard everything else on the internet, the definitive authority of how life came to be on earth. ha ha
alzebetha's avatar
and, say this with me lil creationist bitch, one celled organisms are not animals. are you saying it with me?

nah, I heard most through high school education. what about you?
OrangeKrissy's avatar
So that's even worse that we at least didn't evolve from an animal, but some type of slime mold or something.
alzebetha's avatar
Ok, you got that far creationmonger, not bad.

Now are you the type that believe in 'micro' evolution, or do I have to demonstrate the concept to you first?

Come on, keep going with me, you might become less stupid in the process.
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nokari's avatar
It's kinda funny how people can believe in either of those things.
OrangeKrissy's avatar
I think it takes more faith to believe that everything was a fluke and all was formed by chance. Question is, where did the material for the Big Bang come from?
alzebetha's avatar
yeah, thats not your real argument, a toddler could ruin that if you gave them a moment time, how about you try something serious?
OrangeKrissy's avatar
Hey, go back to worshipping the devil. Funny how people can believe in the devil but not God. ha ha
alzebetha's avatar
ok. and to understand, get your IQ into the tripple digi.. I mean, make it be over 100 ok?
OrangeKrissy's avatar
Funny, without God how can there be a devil? Does your IQ equal your age? Or has the pot destroyed your reasoning power?
alzebetha's avatar
Fuck you thats how. booyah
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Vanhir's avatar
OrangeKrissy's avatar
I got your wizard Vanhir!
Vanhir's avatar
All of them trained at the legendary Dickmouth's School of Definitely Magic, aye.
SahidenEthare's avatar
The same place gods came from if there are any.
siantjudas's avatar
One does not necessarily imply the other, either way.
IokoThePanda's avatar
Yes, I think there is no god.

But I think, that it can´t be all to life and die...