cake-fiend's avatar
Depression is a mood state. One can experience depression without having major depressive disorder.
hkepoetry's avatar
I know. But it doesn't excuse people acting like assholes and use the "I'm depressed, I'm allowed to act this way, you don't understand" line whenever something doesn't go their way.
sbkMulletMan's avatar
Oh, those silly little assholes. They're thinking of Bi-Polar. And legitimate cases of Bi-Polar conditions will often admit that they can be assholes, but they'll also often admit that their condition is not an excuse to be an asshole, which is why they seek profession help in order to treat their condition. And even then, they're only assholes half of the time during manic episodes, not during depressed ones.

I should know, I am Bipolar II, and...who the HELL let all these Italics in here? Shoo! Shoo!
yaotl's avatar
During depressed episodes I go and hide from the world.

I go and hide from the world and into here! DA is my safety blanket! :lol:
hkepoetry's avatar
I know, right?
Gosh, I like you. :)

Yeah, those darned italics. They like sneaking themselves in the middle of any conversation. Assholes. ;)