devine-consciousness's avatar
well i will always know and be aware of the fact that negativity is useless and unproductive always ..but yes the breath is one of the only things we do consciously and is very important which is why i meditate on the breath
siantjudas's avatar
Well I just meant that as an example as something I can't explain how its done.

Negativity has it's place. Without it there can be no positivity. I'm just saying that out there, it's not all one big love fest of transcendence. Also your drug use shouldn't have too much of an effect on your ability to project.
devine-consciousness's avatar
good to hear because its not completely a drug ... vasaline is a drug its manufactured weed is picked off the plant and smoked (kinda) and yeah in this place where we live ...things that live will die things that are created will be destructed ...what goes up comes down and what goess down comes up ... what i meant is that here on earth of course theres negativity and out there as well but the true god and what everyone talks about being bliss and what not is definitely not negative at all
siantjudas's avatar
I'm sure if you've looked into it enough you've also heard of people encountering things besides just bliss.
devine-consciousness's avatar
your profile picture for one ... is disturbing i used to draw skulls and dark things all the time but i realized that affected me in certain ways and made me feel darker then i really was .. there is nothing dark about nature and life even death is not dark but we make all this fear about it
siantjudas's avatar
It's all part of the duality of existence.
devine-consciousness's avatar
i agree but i think of duality of existence as what is created will be destructed and what will live will die .. that doesnt necessarly mean bad entities have a part in any of that i think of bad evil beings as just being mislead were all devine
siantjudas's avatar
Not everything can be divine, there has to exist a counter position otherwise there would be no contrast for it to exist against, and thus have no method to exist by.
devine-consciousness's avatar
yeah but i think that that was there doubt and fear ... but the higher part is bliss which is god .. our consciousness doesnt stop at us there is a christ consciousness and higher and it goes on for ever i think which means there are beings much greater and the bad entities are most likely just our own doubt fear and emotions ... thats why you gotta get over that stuff while you live here on earth
siantjudas's avatar
Well good luck find "god"
devine-consciousness's avatar
well good luck with thinking negatively ... we have a silver cord binding us to our bodies when we astral project and we cannot die or be hurt thats what i learned when researching astral projection so im gonna continue believing that because believing what your saying is only gonna make me have fear ...DUHH
siantjudas's avatar
You can't die as long as the cord is intact. However, if the cord gets severed, well, different story. And you can always get hurt, there's always that chance.