fROSEn24's avatar
ok im a black educated female that enlisted in the military and currently working on a college degree so no not all black people act this way but here is what i have to agree on and feel ashamed about:

a majority of black people do act ignorant and it shows

i never agree on ignorance nor think using the N word amongst the race is 'hip and cool'

the only thing i have to say about Jamie is by him being a comedian he was probably potraying how in almost every scary movie or some movies of significance; the black person usually dies or gets killed off. So he was bragging about reversed roles. Do i think he should, because when black people do act like this they do for attention (rappers, celebrities, actors) and at some point when it seems funny, they dont know that they really do hurt the large population of minorities that are actually working hard to get somewhere.
Black-Allison's avatar
As Chris Rock puts it in his routine, the biggest problem for educated African Americans is 'niggers'.
fROSEn24's avatar
and thank you thank you thank you thats exactly what i say i hate niggas....ppl be like what u black... im like are you stupid.... they say no...well then u aint a nigga
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
"so no not all black people act this way"

What way? Like a comedian?
Well that's not a revelation because we already know every brown skinned person is not a comedian.

If Mr Foxx indeed says he kills all the white people in the movie, I would find that funny because it's sarcastic and a role reversal. Nothing to get worked up about.
fROSEn24's avatar
oh im not worked up about i dont take things like this seriously i was just referring to someone who was saying all blacks were like that which clearly is closed minded
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
Oh yeah.
Well the only people who think that are dumb.:P
fROSEn24's avatar
DryBonesReborn's avatar

As to the black getting killed off in movies, I agree, it's very annoying to see that, and I'm white. I get irritated. I loved "Deep Blue" with Samuel L. Jackson, but hated what happened in the one scene. I'm glad LL. COOl J survived.

It would be different if he said, "There was only a black cast an the only white person died, what's up with that?"

Vs, killing 'all' the white people as more of an ethnic cleansing.
fROSEn24's avatar
oh yeah i so agree with you people of every race should just act smart and be through with it