blackpoppies's avatar
It's a touchy subject and I wouldn't want to suggest a solution, but the current state of affairs make me a little uncomfortable. While I wouldn't want a man to have control over my pregnancy, given the physical effects on me would be greater, but I also wouldn't be comfortable about making a decision on abortion without the consent of the father.

Men are in a very difficult position here. Women have the ability to sabotage birth control and land a man with a baby that he didn't want and thought he was taking the necessary precautions to avoid. Men can be landed with the financial costs of a child that they weren't responsible for. Men often suffer the emotional costs of abortion, too - you could argue that it has a greater effect on women, but nonetheless it must be traumatic to have a potential child taken away from him without his consent or knowledge.

As I said, it's difficult and I wouldn't like to suggest a solution, but the current state of things is wrong and I think women have a responsibility to remember the opinions and feelings of the father when making these kinds of decisions.