NeutraStaff's avatar
Let me put it this way. If you give up you can just sit there and complain about how hard it is, all that time your fussing you could had spent making a difference. If you kill yourself you'll be entering a world of unconscious darkness of there is no escape once you enter. All the things in life, the beautiful sky, smell of fresh air, the bright colors, eating good food, speaking with people and befriending them, once you die, you can kiss all of that goodbye. You have to ask yourself is that really what you want, to throw it all away, just for something small like an illness. Yeah it's rough, I have my share of illnesses as well, but that's never held me back from doing amazing things. If one thing doesn't work, do it in a different way have you thought about that. It seems that at the age your at now it seems you want a lot and don't want to wait for things to get better, that's probably what it is isn't it, you want everything in a hurry but don't want to wait so you want to kill yourself because it's not coming quick enough. See that's the thing, it was going to come but you want to be all fast. You have no idea what life is going to be like in ten years or even one or two. Ultimately you have to discipline yourself in the art of patients and waiting things out.

This wasn't intended on sounding negative, I just find it disturbing that teens would want a permanent solution to a temporary problem without wanting to work through it. They want a quick fix solution to what ails them and if there isn't they want to give up when things get to hard, and that's not right:/
spensethefence's avatar
Ouch. Wish you hadn't said the good food part, though...This isn't really the only situation in my life. It's just the only.idea of a future anyone has given me.
NeutraStaff's avatar
When I was your age I had similar issues. No friends, family, real teachers or anyone else to teach me about life or show me a better way, and yes I was very suicidal as that seemed to literally be my only option. Well, today I'm in my late twenties and I can definitely tell you life gets a lot better if you stick out for the long run. Though things seem difficult to work with, it's only like that if you fight against it. Best thing you can do is...go with the flow:) that's right, sometimes it's best to let life take it's natural course. You may not agree with it and maybe it is wrong, but the more you fight against things, the more it fights back. There are times where you just have to let go, not necessarily give up, but just let things work on their own. It sounds silly but you'd be surprise on how things can work. That's what I did, stopped fighting things and let them work themselves out, I mean it's still not perfect but it get's a lot better:D

Also, just because no one showed or told you of a better way doesn't mean that there is none for you. You have to decide your own future, regardless of who gives you options. If your around a bad environment, you can still distance yourself from it and stay true to who you are, and not succumb to the wrong that's around you, if your will is strong enough of course. If you weren't strong enough to work with a situation then it would had never came to you so your already strong enough to shape your own future regardless of who's not helping you or who's telling you wrong. Feel better now:p
spensethefence's avatar
No, going with the flow sounds like it'd be easy. I think I might try to take it easier for a while and see if I feel a little more energized.