stoneman123's avatar
There you have the crucial logical flaw of an omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent deity. Supposing he were omnipotent and omniscient, he's certainly not benevolent. The analogy I like to use is that of Superman. If Superman saw somebody getting mugged, he'd swoop down, beat up the mugger, return the victim's property, and fly the perpetrator off to jail. God, however, would (or does, if you prefer) just sit back and watch. If that mugger then proceded to throw their victim to the ground, rape them, and slit their throat, in all likelihood, God would just sit back and watch.

Often times, theists try to justify this in various ways, such as the cop-out of, "he works in mysterious ways." Indeed, I too would be hard-pressed to explain why wise old Jehovah would allow some innocent bystander to be robbed, raped, and murdered for nothing. Of course, this is far from the only glaring logical flaw in the idea of an omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent deity.