yangfeili's avatar
They're really not all the same though. Some are calm, intelligent, self-motivated, even self-sacrificing people who will focus on doing well at school even at the expense of being seen as a "nerd."

Others are little more than future thugs who care only about how high they can fill their swag meter or whatever the hell they call it, and who can barely even put a sentence together on paper despite years of wasted effort poured into them by teachers who I can no longer believe are at fault.

It's anathema to say in any kind of converation about education, but there really are such things as bad kids. And I really do think the problem in the education system is a change in the quality of the kids rather than a change in the quality of education.
theGman0's avatar
Well sure, The area where the school is located would certainly effect what kind of children attend that school. Bad neighborhoods will tend to have bad kids. But, that really isn't a good excuse as to why our entire education system is failing. Besides, how would you "replace" these "bad kids"?