DeepFriedCrunchyBits's avatar
Mostly writing stuff.. Reading stuff. Drawing. Musics?

Dresden Codak, Homestuck.. eh. This is a really tough question.
TogetherToday's avatar
Sorry, I meant for it to be simple. x)

Writing is fun, though I don't feel I'm very great at it. I love to narrate things in my head, though. x) And drawing is great, hence my account on dA haha! And definitely music, I looove music! Can't imagine a world with out it!

I've heard of homestuck before and I've tried playing it, buuut I wasn't a huge fan. It seems interesting though, I love the fanart! Especially of that character Dave I think was his name, haha! :)
DeepFriedCrunchyBits's avatar
I like doing a lot of things, and I'm still pretty new to dA, so I have no idea what I'm going to be doing here- any suggestions? >:) Requests for stuff would be pretty great.

Yeah, Homestuck isn't for everyone.. :D The dude with the cool shades? He is indeed very cool.
TogetherToday's avatar
Well, the only things I can suggest is to stay active on the community by posting on the forums, joining groups, and commenting on people's art! :) It's kind of hard to get noticed on here, but I'm sure you'll work your way up! :)
And what types of things do you like to draw?

Yes, that's him haha! :)
DeepFriedCrunchyBits's avatar
I've never been good at getting noticed. :))

Uh...just about anything, but mostly people and faces. Sometimes some cubist stuff. :))
TogetherToday's avatar
It's okay, neither have I haha. x)

Yeah, I'm mostly a person/face drawer too haha, girls specifically, which reminds me that I really need to start expanding my horizons. ;-; And cubist? That seems pretty fun!
DeepFriedCrunchyBits's avatar
I need to start drawing stuff I don't want to draw. Need the practice. :D

When I say cubist stuff, it's usually just cube drawings. -..-
TogetherToday's avatar
Haha yeah, or else all my drawings are gonna end up being the same. ;-;

Lolololol that still sounds pretty cool. xD