Quarhog's avatar
I'll be glad when the current fad for tattoos runs its course, although the damage it's done will be with us for a long time...
L1NGUS's avatar
Sadly, you and the commenter above are blinding yourselves to the beauty of JM's photography by forcing the tattoos to become the subject rather than allowing them to exist as lines, shapes, forms, textures, patterns and colors: elements of design.
Quarhog's avatar
JM's compositions and the girls are both beautiful  - but would be even more so without those tattoos, which disrupt the graceful visual flow of their unclothed female forms. The sooner tattoos on women go out of fashion again (which they will) the better...
Lao-Shi-Fei's avatar
Eh, I personally like them, I can appreciate models with or without tatoos. Just my opinion of course.
Quarhog's avatar