Comment on DAZ-3D's profile

Angel-in-Black's avatar
Just curious about something. Why aren't the gen 5 (Vicky 5, Mike 5, Steph 5, etc) base packs free? Previous gens have had a free base pack of just the figure and basic skins, but it seems that gen 5 is all paid for. I've always been able to work with the free base figures and whatever other freebies I can find, which has worked well for me. It just seems odd to suddenly charge for something that's always been free before.
HellboySoto's avatar
Genesis is the base now, it also includes basic skins (better than previous ones)for free.
The “basic male” and “basic female” shapes of Genesis serves the same purpose of pevious generations bases. :)
Angel-in-Black's avatar
That's all well and good but it still leaves me without a petite option, unless there's a petite morph that comes with Genesis?
HellboySoto's avatar
You mean like Stephanie or something else? You could mix a little of the child shape maybe?