Azure-and-Copper's avatar
I do! :D Technically a suburb of it, but yes 
Yuniko1702's avatar
good, because someone a drawing of you on facebook had sign-competitive submitted to a, I've figured it out and one was disqualified, maybe you should also on your older drawings, make the Deviantart watermark on it, so that it is protected from theft.
Yuniko1702's avatar
good, because someone a drawing of you on facebook had sign-competitive submitted to a, I've figured it out and one was disqualified, maybe you should also on your older drawings, the Deviantart watermark draufmachen so that it is protected from theft. :D
Azure-and-Copper's avatar
I'll start adding watermarks. I definitely did not enter a facebook competition
Yuniko1702's avatar
I know that, that's why I told you yes also written that someone has your picture just taken. :D