IndygotheWhimzical's avatar
Thank you!!! Sorry for the late reply lol
SailorCross's avatar
You're welcome, I understand we're all living lives off the internet. 
IndygotheWhimzical's avatar
I'm glad somebody does. Everybody gets so sensitive when you're trying to get your life together and have the nerve to call me selfish... sigh... gotta love it lol
SailorCross's avatar
I know right? It's like what happened to everyone? We do have lives outside of the internet. 
IndygotheWhimzical's avatar
Eveyone's too dependent on the net. I went out for a walk last night with my fiancé Diana and my real good friend Alex and we just enjoyed nature for once. My girl laid in a field, me and Alex sat in a try while he played its ocarina and I listened. You had no idea how nice it was to get a break from it all and just enjoy being alive. I hope you take the time to treat yourself too and see truly how beautiful life really is
SailorCross's avatar
I agree, I've used it to build walls around myself. I know ^^ I live out near farmland and two state parks. It's easy to forget though, especially in the winter.