Greiga's avatar

What made you like Gunpla?

Question 2:

Why do you like Gunpla?

Question 3:
Whats your favorite Gunpla Model you made or customize?
YumaLightning's avatar
1: Well, my friends got me into it, and my first con I got a MG Rx-78 and a NG Turn A and I ended up liking the idea of making something. Gunpla is awesome for keeping my hands busy and a way for me to have my favorite Mobile Suits in hand.

2: I like it because of like I mentioned before, the idea that I made something, it's the sense of accomplishment you get from finishing a model, and it's a good hobby for me especially since I get to see a lot of my own ideas get turned into a reality, be it different color schemes or mods.

3: There's a lot of choices for that one, but I have to say my Gundam MK II is my fav. It's the first kit I ever fully painted and detailed.