Comment on TheatreArtists's profile

Luna-Avalon-Dragon's avatar
Hi, these are my submissions for the Rendering vs Reality contest-



I've tried to submit them to the group but it says I've already reached my limit. Do they need to be submitted or is this fine to just give you the links? 

Luna =) xx
LocationCreator's avatar
Aaaand I fixed it so you can submit both the new images. Please do so!
Luna-Avalon-Dragon's avatar
Thank you for sorting that =D I've submitted them now =) xx
LocationCreator's avatar
You are very welcome!
LocationCreator's avatar
Well, I believe you'll have to submit one one week, and the other the next week. I in the meantime will try to figure out how to override the limit for the future submissions. THANKYOU!
LocationCreator's avatar
Hi - I believe the links will be just fine. I'll check on this.