Comment on Riza-Izumi's profile

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Cr1kk3t's avatar
I am sorry. You are so uneducated over the cheating thing it hurts.
Riza-Izumi's avatar
I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings :( I wasn't meaning to hurt anyone's feelings to be honest with you. But people can be insane over cheating, I mean people have killed over cheating… I'm all for revenge and everything, but killing someone over cheating is too far. 
Cr1kk3t's avatar
I do not agree with that. I agree that is taking it way too far just like the person who cut off her husband's penis twice. I think they should have just divorced them and got on with it. Sure it's going to hurt for a while, but there is no sense in that. Unless they really did pass them an incurable std. Of course then if they knew I believe in jail time and monetary damages.
Riza-Izumi's avatar
It's actually illegal to have an STD and not tell a sex partner about it. I think they get a few years behind bars. I believe it's considered "assault with a deadly weapon". As funny as the name is, I'm sure the jail time isn't funny at all. 
Cr1kk3t's avatar
Yep. I bet it isn't fun in jail at all.
CuteManaka16's avatar
She admitted she was wrong. So please, get over it already. -____-
Cr1kk3t's avatar
She admitted she was wrong, but made stamps around the same wording. :I Saying that it was still just kissing and having sex. 
CuteManaka16's avatar
I will admit, what she thinks was pretty dumb. I've seen people who are worse than her *coughsAnitacoughs*
Cr1kk3t's avatar
Lol. I can probably agree with you there. I just hate it when people think condoms can't break or fail in prolife arguments just as much as I hate it when people think condoms can't break or fail in any other argument. It's 98 percent roughly, but I learned in class when factoring in human error it's more like 80 percent rate of sucess. Again that is a rough estimate. Also I hate it when people act like you can't get nothing from a kiss. Like there was a guy on t.v. I saw not too long ago that had std of the throat. He didn't know about it for years because he had gotten it from his mother while passing through the womb and some years later it had gotten bad enough doctors took note. Now he had to burn the abscesses off his throat and it is a very real possibility he could pass it to anyone he kisses. Yah know what I mean? I just don't like misinformation. I wouldn't say I am perfect, but I try to correct it and have sometimes with stamps I have.
Riza-Izumi's avatar
I thought in order to get an oral STD you had to have oral sex :o
Cr1kk3t's avatar
Not at all. There have been cases even if they are rare.