Comment on lordmep's profile

thormemeson's avatar… okay lets see whats so fucking confusing for you after clicking the link here you go its all in big bold letters

Women should… know their place’: Google search reveals world’s REAL, misogynistic attitudes towards women
  • Adverts expose negative attitudes ranging from stereotyping and denial of women's rights
  • Google's auto-complete suggested 'women cannot drive' and 'women cannot be trusted'
  • Text appears over mouths of women portraits as if to silence their voices

I follow with ....

Fun fact about using Google search, the more you search a specific set of subjects, the more effort Google will make to find similar search terms. If you like apple pie recipes the more Effort Google will make to find you other types of apple pastries, hell if you look up a site enough times, Google will automatically link you to that site. Its a time saving option that functions as part of ease of use program for novice net users.

lordmep's avatar
This is clearer, but I'm not seeing why this would be relevant to anti-feminists.

Also, I recommend a short break before responding. I think the term you once used was "rage boner."
thormemeson's avatar
:iconadolfhitlerplz:I can cut diamonds with this thing