becomm's avatar
Also, you can check the official concept arts from Funcom in the 'Official Art' gallery :)
Lilith-Astarte's avatar
Hey, it looks like you left the Official Art section as unable to be contributed to by us normal members, I thought I should tell you, you missed a bunch of concept art, I have put it up in my gallery for now, but I tried to put it over on here and there's no 'Contribute to this folder' button in the top-right corner like there is with Screenshots (I submitted some of those already)! :(
becomm's avatar
Yes, it is intended. Submitting official key arts is reserved to admins.
I know there are still many key arts from the fan pack left, and they will be used soon to compliment official interviews (I hope :p ). If I can't get an interview as soon as I planned, I'll upload the rest of the key arts.

By the way, I just validated your contributions to the screenshots gallery... Keep up the good work :)

Feel free to contact me if you have any other question/suggestion/request and I'll do my best to answer quickly.

Lilith-Astarte's avatar
The pic I found of the draug isn't in the fan pack.
