Comment on nanna95K's profile

nanna95K's avatar
Omg thats awesome. I mean judging by feferi and the higher ones who have so much anger and fefery snapps in a secund. Then its the oposite for the lower ones. Damare were shy and calm and nice and it took a long time for her to snap. So i think the same applies to kankri. But hes like the boss level XD Its been an eternety, bullying ignored and disrespected and death (and that romantic trigger he has? Its not weird by it self, but he is romantic, just like karkat, its genetic. But he always talk bad about it like hes been dumped or something.)
Hes still going on. Thank god for his stuborness and oblivioness xD 

Psyco!kankri for the win x3
So if kankris like the boss battle, he would probbably be even worse then damara :l thats also an interesting thought huh.
keybladeschosenone's avatar
Oh that would be so fun to see, honestly. 
You and I should talk on notes or something, if you're interested in that that is :) 

It seems you have some active headcanons, and I'd like to discuss these :D
nanna95K's avatar
it definetly would be :3 
Oh that sounds wonderfull to me :3 I would love to talk about headcannons on notes :D 
I have so manny head canons i could/can talk for hours  about i bet xD 
keybladeschosenone's avatar
Wonderful! I'll pm you <3