Comment on Robert-Shane's profile

Darth-Pravius's avatar
For You.   In the opening and end credits, you are referenced as "Writer and Illustrator" and also I linked your page here in the video description.   :)…
Robert-Shane's avatar
Sorry for taking so long to reply (I keep forgetting to check comments on the profile page!)... I've just checked out the video: bravo- it looks really good. Thanks!
Darth-Pravius's avatar
Hey, it's no prob.  Glad to at least get a reply and such a positive response to the video.  I wanted to be as respectful as I could with your work translated into a Star Wars movie like experience.   I'm happy you like it.  I thank you very much and love the artwork you do.   :D 
Robert-Shane's avatar
thanks again - I have been trying to do a follow up story for a long time but never seem to find the time (or interest) to finish it.  Might have to go back and get it done soon!
Darth-Pravius's avatar
I'd love to turn that into a video sequel as well once you do create it. I've had a LOT of people asking about a sequel or stating that they want one. So there is a demand for more of your work I can very much assure you. :)