Hyunol's avatar

because its been forever since i`ve talked to you and a hand full of other people :>
I`m weird 
JacobMainland's avatar
I see. I also am not very active.
You can take a look about my strange comics about Hatsune Miku :)
Hyunol's avatar

i diddd

It was very... interesting :>
JacobMainland's avatar
Haha xD
How about you? Do you draw some new projects right now?
Hyunol's avatar
Yass :D
I`ve actually done a few new sketches for back ground practice (i suck though xD)
And i have been doing a few other base sketches :D
and you?
JacobMainland's avatar
Last time I draw a bit less but I think a lot and create new ideas. I motivate myself.
In the past I was very bad and lazy in doing backgrounds. Now I'm a bit better in it. Anyway I'm still not very strong in backgrounds.

Foregrounds are more important :)
Hyunol's avatar

Tis true! D:

But in point beinggg

I need to learn how to do the backgrounds

or my art will always suck.

Its just me that needs to learn.

Ur art is fabulous!!

I`m behind in the whole situation :,P
JacobMainland's avatar
Dont say that. Your arts are not bad at all.
I recommend you to watch drawing videos - I watch them. Its fun and education too.

Take a look on those: