Comment on ED-Teaparty's profile

GunSlingerDante's avatar
Offsite BS…

Inuyasha is a well known.. well.. person who pretty much claimed the name "Inuyasha" as their own. Has conned a couple people on Anispace (Formally Anivide) $100 to purchase user names such as "Inuyasha", "Naruto" and other names.

They also made a website that claims copyrighted character names. Rumour tells that this person also gets pissy if someone else has the name "Inuyasha' or claims to be "Official". This is for Roleplay.

Pretty sure that copyrighted characters are free to play characters and not claimed by one person.


They are also named "Sasuke". More posts here. 

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Their Facebook. (And they aren't joking, nor is it a fanpage for cosplays..)…  Youtube. Had one, said it was deleted (Wonder why...)
