Comment on Crimson-Flazey's profile

RainaCrystalStar's avatar
Hey there... Your work is amazing your dragon is cool 8-)
Crimson-Flazey's avatar
hello ^w^

thanks a lot for saying that, I really appreacite it. Your looks awesome as well
RainaCrystalStar's avatar
Hi, ^.=.^

Oh your most welcome dude!!! And thank you so much and thanks for the watch x
Crimson-Flazey's avatar
no problem ^w^

how are things going for ya?
RainaCrystalStar's avatar
Good thanks... Just been cleaning and helping my mum out in the house. Then watch the tale end of I am David, then did a lovely pose of my dragon katrina!! XD.
Crimson-Flazey's avatar
I see, nice thing that you are helping out :) and I look forward to seeing this new artwork of Katrina, hehe

I also noticed you do roleplays. I also like them :) so, if you fell like starting one, let me know, okay?
RainaCrystalStar's avatar
Agreed I always like chos around the house it really helps my mum out. Oh it's actually up and ready for everyone to view it feel free to if you like!!! 😁.

Oh yeah I'm a great fandom of roleplays I have my own chatroom called the KatrinaTheDragonRP were you basically enter her world which is the legend of spyro's world if you have ever play the game of cause?

But as its nearly 3am i can't. XD but yeah it's here for anyway to do it with me I use katrina and all my characters in my gallery.
Crimson-Flazey's avatar
I see it now. For some reason I thought I had seen it before xD She looks great, excelent job. What program did you use?

Hmmm, I only did rplays through notes and messages. Do you mind explaining what is this chatroom, please?
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