Comment on adarhysenthe's profile

Elrondofthewoodship's avatar
Joined Ravelry. :) I need to load my projects on there.
adarhysenthe's avatar
Elrondofthewoodship's avatar
I've got three up. I might add some more tonight.
adarhysenthe's avatar
Friended you there, saw the three! Ee!
Elrondofthewoodship's avatar
:D The one that I should put up and am dreading is the rainbow blanket. I have so many pictures of that one. Ugh. But I found your friend add and added you back. You have such a nice gallery of stuff there.
adarhysenthe's avatar
Aww, thanks! It's easier to update that than it is to remember to post things here.
Elrondofthewoodship's avatar