SmilinForYa's avatar
Gah! Now I'm all excited! And this is so cool because I'm currently working on the next chapter :D Sorry if I haven't updated in so long, by the way.
Thank you so much! I'm sooo excited to see what you do. I looked at all your other art and I must say that you have a talent when it comes to drawing.
Kodomo-tachiNoYume's avatar
You looked at my art?! ASDFGHJKL;; -sobs- You....and then......cuz.....but....-dies-
You liked my stuff. I just ....I just lost the ability to even can. :iconiheartitplz: Thank you! -sobs-

Heeeey. Dont apologize, it happens. Life and writers block gets in the way and it happens. I understand m'lovely, so dont feel bad. :) I've been rereading it anyway. XD You know you have a knack for this stuff??
SmilinForYa's avatar
Hahaha :3 I have a fascination with art because I myself cannot draw to save my life. :hug:
Awww! Thank you so much for understanding!! And thanks! I love to write.
Kodomo-tachiNoYume's avatar

But chu write SHO gooodz!
I haven't forgotten what Im to be doing, just life keeps throwing a monkey wrench every time I get ready to finish Her/My/Our/The Readers' face. LOL. And then I have to keep re-reading to remember what she looks like. LOL!
SmilinForYa's avatar
I totally understand :hug: And don't worry! Take your time, there's no rush.