Comment on SorcerusHorserus's profile

Killance's avatar


Wonder what you took back, couldn't have been that mean.
SorcerusHorserus's avatar
Yeah, it wasn't mean. It just didn't add much to the story and wasn't particularly interesting either.
Killance's avatar
You think you'll let out a rough draft on what that was? Would love to read it!
SorcerusHorserus's avatar
Possibly! I've worked a few themes from it into the current strip so it wasn't a total waste. A lot of times I want to touch upon an idea but the execution isn't ideal or it is presented in an uninteresting way. After this current strip is posted I'll think about posting the tossed part 12 draft to my scraps.
Killance's avatar
That'd be great! I'd love to read it.