CorrodingCorpse93's avatar
Sorry to hear that. :I 
However, I believe that is only because you submitted it to Featured (and that the admins of this group aren't the most active in this world. Me included.)
If you were to submit to any other folder (aside from Sci-Fi and other) it will get accepted immediately. 

Sincerest apologies though. :3
RogueMudblood's avatar
I generally don't submit to a featured folder. I'm not saying I didn't, I'm simply saying that I don't usually do that unless it's the only folder open in the group to submit to. I will try to submit to one of the other folders, but some of my pieces don't necessarily fit into anything besides the "other" folder, so it may be that I submitted them there.

So I won't submit those pieces then in order to eliminate the problem.
CorrodingCorpse93's avatar
Again, I have to apologize.

You can submit it again to other if you want. Since the other folder only requires 1 admin to accept it, I can do it since I'm finally on after a period of absence. You don't have to, just a suggestion.

Thank you for your time.