Comment on JakeRichmond's profile

WinterThe-Masquerade's avatar
I've been thinking about what you said about villains for the Legend of Korra (Yes I've still been thinking about a conversation we had almost 5 months ago, I'm weird like that), and, you were right.

If Korra is to face a villain it should be someone who is right but takes their ideals too far and while I love Koh as a villain he is simply kind of villain for Korra to face. So I did some black soul searching for a villain that would work for Korra and try to get ideas for who s/he was, at least in terms of motivation.

For a while I was stumped, none of the villains I could think of worked, but they where either to much like the Joker or two sympathetic and just ended up being clones of Zaheer and Amon. However, I recently came across the film Naruto The Last, which was recommended to me by a friend who knows that I'm a sucker for romances and figured that I would love this film.

And he was write, I absolutely adored it, not only one of the best romance films I've ever seen but one of the best films ever made. My only Real issue was that the villain wasn't very intimidating or intriguing, had he been better then this could have been the Wrath of Khan for romances.

But that's for another day, one scene that found interesting was a brief scene where Naruto remembers his confrontation with someone called Pain, who was only on screen for about 10 seconds but he did leave an impression as we see him beat Naruto in one move.

So I did some digging and many fans pointed to Pain's Assault as one of, if not they best arcs in the series. So I decided to hunt it down and watch it and see what I thought and while it was a little heavy on the exposition it was a great story but what really stood out to me was the villain himself, Pain.

While watching this arc I found Pain to be a very Intimidating and Intriguing antagonist with a great backstory and amazing powers and yet he was still strangely human as he wasn't always on top of everything yet but never came off as incompetent. He could be tricked, he could be surprised, there where things he wasn't aware of and get beaten thanks to that and I loved it. That's something I can't remember seeing in resent years, as most villains seem to always be one top of everything, like the Joker or Silva, who seem to be able to plan for everything and are almost never surprised.

Pain on the other hand, who was able to stay on top for most of the arc, was surprised, sometimes by little things that he didn't plan or count on like when Kakashi out smarting him during their fight with a shadow clone or when Hinata went to break the rods holding Naruto down instead of fighting him directly like she had in the manga.

This made Pain believable flawed which helped him feel more well rounded. Anyway back to the point, towards the end of the arc I started to realize that Pain was the sort of villain that would be perfect for a Korra villain. His ideas are noble but he has taken them to far to the point that he is willing to rip the world apart in order to save it. But what makes him even better then the other villains of Korra is that he knows what this means for him. He knows that he will not be seen as a hero, he knows that he will be hated for this, but he feels that it is necessary in order to achieve peace.

Honestly he is so good and works so well that I wouldn't want to change anything except maybe his power levels so he can better work against Team Avatar without over powering them and give 4 of the six the ability to control the elements instead of jutsu but keep everything else. His ability to reanimate corpse and control them, having the Dev Pain using his Universal Pull and Almighty Push and keep his backstory more or less intact.

Basically just create an Expy of Pain because he is such a great villain and changing who he is would diminish his character. I'm not talking about making a scene for scene recreation of Pain's Assault, just taking one character from that show who is a great villain and putting him in a new setting and different characters from another series to fight but he is the same character he was before.
