Comment on shazy's profile

shazy's avatar
Heyy Q.Q I'm coping thanks. Hope all is well with you~~
Snowballflo's avatar
nope dude my life is still shit and im dealing with it, i found your insta yesterday and im like 'OMG I KNOW DIS GUY >8U

and yis im ur personal stalker

i honestly understand what its like to go through lifes tortures but i hope all goes well as soon as possible hun QAQ
shazy's avatar
Awww glad you stumbled across my instagram xD ahaha I dont mind you stalking me

Sorry to hear that, but thanks for the support too Q.Q If you ever wanna chat about stuff to vent then i'm available ^^ I've probably made a lot of my friends sick of my venting lately, hah. I hope things improve for you soon
Snowballflo's avatar
honestly, im sick of venting to people, it does nothing but make other people feel bad and makes you feel worse, im tired of talking about problems when there are alot of better things to talk about to make someone smile, and frankly //despite you grumpy avatar// i think id love to see you smile! o7o

i know there are too much going on in life, probably enough to make everyone forget all the reasons they have to be happy, enough to make them want to only talk about their problems. it really makes you feel like youd feel better talking about them and venting, but really it just makes you feel worse deep down. sometimes its better to be silent and empty our minds and even cry, it decreases stress, its fine.

but i gotta say, sometimes people need to vent to know there are people that they can trust or that there are people who listen to them, so its alright! im here if you need to vent too hun! //huggles
shazy's avatar
Maynard smiles on the inside, ha ha 

Ah i see. Sorry again to hear that, but you seem to know how to cope with it. 

I've cried a lot this past year, and it can help, but the problem doesnt go away so i have to keep going somehow
Snowballflo's avatar
trust me i really dont know how to cope with what im going through right now because whatever im going through will determine my future, and that really doesn't sound well to me specially the fact that now i have to go to 2 schools at the same time, im not sure how im gonna work that out but im feeling crazy right now, and also that i know myself better then anybody else, so im scared that if im not the type of person to be able to succeed through what i have to do, im really not that hard working type of person. but the funny thing about me is that i cry, i screem, i ask God to kill me 20 times a day to free me from this miserable life and i keep saying id do anything to get out of this hell but then again after all that i would never think about giving up even if i say it out loud, im like "im tired of trying, i want to give up i cant do it" but then in my head mister brain is like "ok now you know your gonna do your hardest and you know your gonna make it!!" the thing is, sometimes you dont know how strong and independent you could be until you got no other choice but go through with it. and thats just the same problem in life....i used to be terrified of time, i dont know what will happen in the future and im scared ill never reach to the things i want and my dreams will never be fulfilled.....i still am, sometimes you cant help it, you just feel like you NEED to know that in the end everything will be alright. but lately, ive been tired of crying and screaming. i still feel like i want to and im still moodless, im blank and my face is like "life, hit me as hard as you can till i drop dead, i dont give two shits about you" but im still going through with it and life is still there and still being a shitty bastard. the thing is....well its hard to explain in words because its not something you could just read to do, its something you have to experience and feel. really cant do anything. and in the end, you have no other choice but to go through with it, and thats stressful actually. its ok to cry, its ok to scream, but even if you want to give up, somewhere in the brain always encourages you that 'you can do this, dont care about anything, just keep going, what have you got to loose?'. you have to trust yourself that you can one way or another do it! i cant tell you what to do and no body else could either because your the only one that knows yourself perfectly. cause im pretty sure despite even saying that anyone are in shitty situation and they cant go on and they want to cry, scream, die, fly or whatever, in their heads are something else going on to make you adapt to your situation. it takes time, and when i say that i dont mean you should sit somewhere waiting for it, it means you'll never know when its gonna hit you. sometimes the best option is is to breath, trust the timing and let go, and see what will happen, because in the end everything is going to be alright, because if it isn't, it isn't the end yet~ //hugs